NPI IT Procurement 2030 eBook Coupa

Get the best deal on every IT sourcing transaction.

Subject matter experts for every vendor. Expert guidance on every transaction. NPI eliminates your IT buying blind spots.

Actionable intel for IT sourcingat the transaction level.

NPI performs custom analysis of each upcoming IT purchase and provides precise findings and recommendations – in writing.


    Custom pricing analysis validates how your quote stacks up against market so you can eliminate overspending.NPI’s subject matter experts have experience with thousands of similar purchases, which gives us the data to know when vendors are charging too much.

  • Optimize

    For some purchases, you need help understanding available licensing and subscription models in order to buy best-match SKUs, optimize usage rights for operations and compliance, and future-proof business terms. NPI’s experts provide this knowledge to the buying team.

  • Negotiate

    We make even the best negotiators better. NPI’s vendor-specific intel gives you a real-time pulse on what’s motivating behavior at the negotiation table, guidance on which deal elements are flexible and inflexible, and points of leverage that boost your negotiating power.

  • Align

    There are many stakeholders involved in today’s IT purchases, and vendors use this to their advantage. Internal alignment is a key countermeasure. NPI provides savings targets, playbooks and protocols to help align your buying team around shared objectives and processes.

Two ways to work together, one great outcome.

Subscription Projects


When you subscribe to SmartSpend™ for IT Buyers, our team of consultants and vendor-specific subject matter experts will perform a custom analysis of your day-to-day purchases.

Simply submit purchase quotations as they occur throughout the term of your annual subscription. We’ll return Fair Market Value Reports specific to your transactions, and an NPI consultant will personally walk you through the findings.

Over 65% of the purchases NPI analyzes reveal material savings opportunities. Armed with our custom FMV Reports, clients are capturing millions of dollars in savings, and more value for every budget dollar spent.

NPI also provides IT sourcing seminars and workshops for subscription clients to enhance skills, knowledge and alignment across all stakeholders on your IT buying teams.


Each report is a customized analysis of your specific purchase that provides actionable information your IT buying team can leverage, including:


Analysis of how your quote stacks up against best-in-class benchmarks


Recommended price and discount targets to aim for given the purchase volume, timing and other relevant factors


Recommended changes or additions that will strengthen the deal; includes short-term and long-term considerations


Insight into vendor and channel motivations, levers and behaviors that enhance your negotiating position


IT sourcing advisory projects can be performed on a stand-alone basis, or incorporated into a subscription, depending on your needs. Projects fall into four primary areas, all having factors that lead enterprises to tap into specialized expertise in order to achieve best-in-class outcomes.

  • Microsoft

    Microsoft purchase optimization – it’s our superpower. We’ve assembled the best Microsoft licensing experts in the industry to help you get maximum value at minimum cost for every Microsoft purchase and renewal.

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  • Other Enterprise IT

    From Oracle, SAP and IBM EA optimization to M&A license rationalization to IT sourcing organizational strategy, NPI helps clients tackle challenges in the pursuit of IT sourcing excellence head on – and win.

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  • Software Compliance & Audit

    Software compliance is tougher than ever, and vendor audits are on the rise. You need an ally – someone with the knowledge and experience to help you go toe-to-toe with vendor auditing teams, and optimize your outcome.

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  • Network & Telecom

    Many enterprises overpay by 30 percent or more on network, voice, data and conferencing. Don’t be one of them. At NPI, we focus on specific non-disruptive approaches to telecom cost reduction that drive big savings.

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