IT Price Benchmarking Analysis li

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10 Reasons Why IT Buyers Should Perform Price Benchmark Analysis

There are many ways IT buyers can reduce IT overspend – but none more effective than IT price benchmark analysis. Download our white paper to learn more.

Smart spend bulletin 10 reasons why it buyers should perform price benchmark analysis

Did You Know?

Enterprises overpay for more than 85% of IT purchases and renewals. NPI’s IT Price Benchmark Analysis & Negotiation Intel Services gives IT buyers transaction-specific pricing targets, negotiation intel and licensing expertise so they can get the best deal for every purchase and renewal.

Reduce IT costs without disruption.

On average, our transaction-specific IT price benchmark analysis helps companies save 10% to 40+% off their IT purchases and renewals – without any major disruptions to your IT ecosystem!

What’s motivating your vendor at the negotiation table? How can you increase buy-side leverage? We provide deal-specific guidance for a faster, more productive vendor negotiation.

NPI’s SmartSpend™ subscription service gives you easy access to pricing, licensing and negotiation intelligence that's specific to your transaction and vendor.

Which Vendors Do We Cover?

NPI performs price benchmark analysis on purchases from over 1,500 IT and telecom vendors that span more than 150,000 SKUs. Here are the Top 100 vendors submitted to NPI over the past 24 months, representing well over $30 billion in spend:

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