NPI IT Procurement 2030 EBook Sig

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IT Procurement 2030 – Preparing for a New Era of IT Sourcing

Thank you for registering for NPI + SIG’s webinar on Gaining the IT Procurement Advantage! Here’s another resource you may find useful: NPI’s latest ebook on “IT Procurement 2030: Preparing for a New Era of IT Sourcing.” Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • Dealbreaker Challenges: What challenges must be solved today?
  • 5 Dynamics Shaping IT Sourcing Transformation: How will they redefine your role, influence, and responsibilities?
  • The IT Procurement Advantage Checklist: What are the must-haves for achieving world-class purchase outcomes?
  • Optimization Focus Areas: Which steps in the IT buying process present the most opportunity for improving credibility, alignment, process efficiency, and savings?
It procurement 2030 preparing for a new era of it sourcing

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