Oracle License Consulting Service


Oracle License Consulting Service

Engaging NPI’s Oracle license consultants will help you save money, increase decision-making confidence, and reduce audit risk. Period.

Reduce Your Enterprise Oracle Spend

Oracle is renowned for being a tough IT vendor to do business with. Complex cost structures, support lock-in, and an onerous compliance environment are the norm - and the vendor’s aggressive push to the cloud has introduced new cost risks. As a result, most large enterprise customers significantly overspend on their Oracle estate.

NPI works with you to eliminate these cost risks. Our full-service Oracle license and purchase optimization services help you optimize licensing, identify and remediate compliance issues, and negotiate world-class purchase and renewal outcomes with Oracle. We regularly achieve seven-figure savings with clients by helping them get best-in-class pricing and terms.

Whether for a new purchase or a renewal, NPI’s Oracle license optimization and contract optimization experts help large enterprises eliminate overspending across their entire Oracle footprint. Our Oracle license specialists provide actionable intel that is 100% objective and 100% focused on savings.

NPI’s Oracle License Consulting Services

As Oracle’s offerings have expanded, so has the complexity of managing and optimizing enterprise-grade Oracle estates. NPI’s enterprise license consultants provide actionable recommendations to significantly reduce costs and risk across various facets of your Oracle footprint - from SaaS license optimization, maintenance and support, price benchmarking, compliance and beyond.

Oracle Enterprise Agreement Optimization

Whether you contract through an Oracle Unlimited License Agreement (ULA) or another contract vehicle, NPI helps you right-size your licensing strategy so you buy only what you need based on your unique requirements. We work with you to determine best-in-class pricing and discount targets and define a vendor-aware negotiation strategy that yields a best-in-class deal outcome.

Oracle Maintenance & Support Renewal Optimization

NPI works with you to assess the feasibility of right-sizing your maintenance and support agreements based on actual, current usage requirements. We help you determine which products should be kept on support (or dropped), how to leverage third-party support alternatives, and best-in-class pricing targets.

Oracle License Position Assessment

NPI’s license position assessment services give you the visibility to proactively identify and remediate compliance risk, avoid budget surprises, and maintain a state of audit readiness.

Oracle License Audit Defense

Oracle license audits are increasing. NPI’s license and audit management experts guide you through every step of the process. We work with you to mitigate exposure, interpret product use rights, and provide negotiation support.

Prepare for Increased Software Audit Activity

What are the Benefits?

Oracle license management is complex. An NPI Oracle license consultant can deliver:

Unmatched Oracle deal experience and license expertise.

Price benchmark analysis to drive immediate and material savings.

Measurable ROI hat reduces both cost and risk across your entire Oracle estate.

NPI is not a reseller and is not affiliated with Oracle in any way. We are 100% focused on your interests. We provide an independent, unbiased assessment of cost optimization opportunities within your Oracle investments.

When Should You Optimize Your Oracle Agreement?

There’s never a bad time to optimize your Oracle contracts, but there are some key times when it makes the most sense:

  • During renewal periods when you have the most leverage.
  • When there are business changes, such as mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, or other significant changes to your operating mode.
  • If you are considering adding new Oracle products
  • When Oracle has major version releases or changes to the licensing structure

Periodic reviews can ensure you remain compliant while optimizing your resources.

Reduce Your Oracle Agreement Costs with NPI

Interested in a turnkey optimization assessment of your Oracle estate?


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